
Showing posts from October, 2017

An eye for an eye: the speed of sight

Many of us have seen the spokes of the wheels of super-fast cars revolve backwards. Why doesn't it simply go forward? Our eyes have millions of receptors called rods and cones. The color vision is mostly thought to involve a comparison of the signals received from different types of cones -photoreceptor cells in the eye that are sensitive to color. Rods, a different type of photoreceptor cell, that are thought to be used only for colorless vision in very dim light. The optic nerve, a cable–like grouping of nerve fibers, connects and transmits visual information from the eye to the brain; and finally, humans can see objects in three-dimension which is the courtesy of the crossing over of optic nerve fibers at the  optic chiasm . So  if we have all the correct connections in place and the images we perceive are at the speed of light , why are we affected by such an optical illusion? The answer is rather simple (though it got me perplexed for quite some time), the