
Showing posts from January, 2019

Optimal server estimate with Markov chains

I was learning about Markov chains while reading about Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), they are used in understanding and decoding the meaning behind speech. Working on system design and architecture concepts, I saw an analogy of this concept, for using them for finding an optimal number of servers for your micro-service. This post has been long overdue though, since July 16 to be precise, the day ' Amazon Prime-Day ' took place this year ; marked by great discounts it attracts a colossal amount of consumers to buy things they do not particularly need, from a motley of categories like clothes to furniture to books to whatever you can imagine (not guns, that's illegal ! .. wait, not anymore in 'some' parts of the world ) The post is inspired by that busy day for servers, where multiple customer requests hop from one server to another, sporadically sky-rocketing the read/write load on the them. For lucidity and ease of understanding, consider that there are only 5 c